Warming up the jeep, charging up the Lumix, new adventure awaits! Nervous and excited at the same time. It will be Wifey and I’s first trip to Europe. It will be a hectic month as we’ll be visiting a few countries but we plan to make the most of it. I shall try to update this blog once in a while but will definitely post a lot of stuff once we’re back. I’m dreading the flight. I hate flying, smell of airplane food makes me want to chuck haha but I have stocked up on meds thanks to our friend (you know who you are lol). First time to use my new cam, Panasonic Lumix GX7. Sold my DSLR and bought this beauty. Didn’t want to be bring a huge as camera around and this one is the perfect size :). A few more hours and we’re off so we shall say farewell for now, see you guys on our next post.

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